An Alawi (Arab Alevi) symposium will be held at the University of Bayreuth in Germany on 30 June-1 July 2023

An Alawi (Arab Alevi) symposium will be held at Bayreuth University in Germany on 30 June-1 July 2023.

The European Arab Alevi Federation (AAAF) and the Mediterranean Alevi Cultural Center (AAKM) will also contribute to the symposium titled “Arab Alevis in Turkey and Germany: History and Current Situation”.

As Ehlen Magazine, we are honored to announce this international symposium which has not been held before in this capacity and framework and we greet it with respect.

This scientific event will be an important day in the history of the Arab Alevi community and it is also extremely important in terms of scientific studies on Arab Alevism and the visibility of Arab Alevis in academia.

The event, which will host various writers and journalists, and academicians, will last for 2 days.

The organizers of the symposium, who are members of the Study of Religion at the University of Bayreuth Prof.Dr. Paula Schrode and Dr.Hakan Mertcan will give the opening speeches. A total of 6 sessions will be held at the symposium. 

In the sessions, the politics, recent history and current problems faced by Arab Alevis throughout the history of Turkey will be discussed under various titles. The sessions will also focus on identity, culture and language, especially in relation to the current situations faced by Arab Alevis in Turkey, Germany, Syria, Lebanon and various other countries.